Navy Aircraft - Blue secondary.
Created by: Monkphin
I have a specific colour scheme in mind that’s echoed over all my Navy units first is the primary blue gray that’s covered in the first recipe. Next up is the light blue, which is used for accents and secondary’s. In this recipe we use: Kantor Blue Mcragge Blue Calgar Blue Druchii Violet
No paints listed for this stage. No paints listed for this stage. No paints listed for this stage.-
Stage: 1 NoneNo paints listed for this stage.
Over the previous paint job, we start with a layer of kantor blue. While this can be applied directly over the fenrisian grey layer we applied previously it can, even when applied from the pot, end up quite thin so may require a couple of coats to make it look consistent. That said, the next layer should clean up any patchiness and since I like a more worn look patchiness can help with this.
Stage: 2 NoneNo paints listed for this stage.
For the second stage, we’re dry brushing. This time using Macragge Blue. To prevent messing up the existing paint work it can be useful to tape off the edges of where you want to focus on, this can stay in place for the next phase too since taping can be kinda dull.
Stage: 3 NoneNo paints listed for this stage.
Finally Calgar blue. A light drybrush should be enough to do it. Just to hit the edges and make it pop, it’s fine if you get some on the flat sections since it adds a bit of texture and depth. You can also optionally drop some shading into recesses to help push the effect, I’ve done this using Druchii Violet here.